Wednesday, January 29, 2014

REVIEW: Beautiful Music For Ugly Children

When you see this title in a bookstore, would you pass on without flipping to the backside and reading the blurb?  10 on 10 for the title alone.

Gabe is a guy. But he was born as Elizabeth. A radio show that started out as a pursuit for the sake of his love of music conquers a fandom. A radio hosted by Gabe who is Liz in school. An audition for a radio station seems like his chance for a big escape but then his secret gets out. And not everyone likes it.

So I plopped on the bed and started reading. I’m not a big fan of pretentious language so I liked the honest writing. And the characters were real. My music preferences clashed with the Beautiful Music but I’m fully willing to accept that I have sucky music preferences.

And Gabe. A guy with a Mango. Who is in love with his BFF. Who cheats on her lips by checking others out.  A dude with a coochie snorcher who stole someone else’s girlfriend. How do you not like him?

It’s not a REMARKABLE novel, but a must- read all the same.

Verdict: 3.5 stars.

Oh all right, 4 stars (Note to self:  Stop being so miserly. It’s not like you can write anything half so good.)

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